
Important questions for first term


Chapter-1      System Development Concept

  1. Define system analyst. Explain the characteristics of a good analyst.

  2. Define system analyst. Explain the role and responsibilities of a system analyst.

  3. Define the information system and explain its components.

  4. Define feasibility study. Explain different types of feasibility study.

  5. Explain waterfall model.

  6. Explain about prototype model.

  7. Explain about spiral model.

  8. Define SDLC. Explain different stages of SDLC.

  9. Write down the need of the system development life cycle.

  10. Define system testing. Explain white box and black box testing.

  11. What is an entity relationship diagram? Explain different types of symbols used in ER diagrams.

Chapter-4 Programming in C

  1. What is a statement? Explain its two types.[5]

  2. Define data types. Explain different types of data types used in C.[5]

  3. What is an operator in C. Explain different types of operator used in C.[5]

  4. What is a C operator? Explain logical and ternary operators with examples. [1+4]

  5. What is an operator? Explain the unary and sizeof() operator. [1+4]

  6. What is an operator? Explain about conditional operator and assignment operator. [1+2+2]

  7. What is an operator? Explain about ternary operator with the help of program.[1+2+2]

  8. Explain input output function used in C.[5]

  9. What is type casting in C? Explain  its two types.[5]

  10. Explain for loop with examples.[5]

  11. Explain While loop with example.[5]

  12. What is a nested loop? Explain it. [5]

  13. What is nested if statement. Explain it.[5]

  14. What is a loop? Differentiate between while and do while loop.[1+4]

  15. Differentiate between break and continue statement.[5]

  16. Describe switch case statement of C with examples.[5]

  17. What is a loop in C. Explain three types of loops with flowcharts and examples. [10]

  18. WAP to test whether the input number is odd or even number.[5]

  19. WAP to check whether the entered number is positive, negative or zero. [5]

  20. WAP to display the greatest number among supplied three different numbers. [5]

  21. WAP to display 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday and so on.[5]

  22. Use switch statement to carry out the following tasks: [10]

    1. To concatenate two strings

    2. To count total digit present in a number (123=3)

    3. To input 20 numbers and count total positive numbers

    4. exit

  23. Write a program, using switch to display the following menu. [10]

    1. Enter 1 to print 1,2,3,...,100

    2. Enter 2 to find the circumference of the circle. (c=2∏r)

    3. Enter 3 to generate even numbers between 1 to 100.
      Now, you can enter your choice (1 to 3) then the computer processes your data. If you enter other than the given digit(choice), it says “Wrong choice”.

  24. WAP to get 100,99,98 …., 1 using a while loop. [5]

  25. WAP to print all even numbers lying between 1 to 100. [5]

  26. WAP to get factorial of a positive number. (FActorial of 5=1x2x3x4x5=120) [5]

  27. WAP to get Fibonacci series 1,1,2,3,5,8 …. nth terms. [5]

  28. WAP to test whether the supplied number is prime or composite number.[5]

  29. WAP to test whether the entered number is palindrome or not. [5]

  30. WAP to display/print the following:

1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5

  1. WAP to display/print the following:
    1 2 3 4 5
    1 2 3 4
    1 2 3
    1 2

  2. WAP to display following star pattern:

* *

* * *

* * * *

* * * * *

  1. Define array. How do we initialize array in C? WAP to store five numbers and display it. [1+1+3]

  2. WAP to display the greatest number among ten supplied numbers using array. [8]

  3. Write advantages of using array. WAP to get maximum and minimum value among ten numbers. [2+8]

  4. Define array? WAP to input age of 50 students. Now count the total numbers of students failing in the following age group. [1+9]

    1. <10

    2. >=10 and <=20

    3. >20

  5. WAP to input “n” numbers and display them in ascending order. [10]

  6. What is a 2-D array? WAP to store salary of 5-- employees and count the number of employees getting salary between 40,000 to 50,000. [2+8]

  7. WAP to transpose a matrix. [5]

  8. What is an array? Write a program to add two matrices. [2+8]

  9. Define string. Explain any five types of string handling functions with examples. [10]

  10. Define string. Explain “strcpy()” and “strupr()” string functions. [1+4]

  11. WAP to test whether the given two strings are the same or not. [5]

For programs solutions,

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