
Lab work one(input and output)

 Questions are:

  1. Find out square root of a number using C Program.
  2. Write a program to calculate volume of a cube where volume v=l3.
  3. Write a program to display area and perimeter of a rectangle.
  4. Write a program to calculate distance using s=ut+1/2at2.
  5. Write a program to calculate area and circumference of a circle.
  6. Write a program to convert temperature in centigrade (C) into Fahrenheit (F). Hint : f=1.8c+32
  7. Write a program to calculate sum of two distances and the distance is measured in terms of feet and inch.
  8. Write a program to enter number of days and convert to into years , months and days.
  9. complete the following program and discuss the outputs.
program 1 program 2
  1. float x; float x;

    int x1=7; int x1=7;

    int x2=2; int x2=2;

    x=(float)x1/x2; x=(float)(x1/x2);

    printf("%f",x); printf("%f",x);

10)complete the following program and discuss the outputs.

program 1 program 2


int j; int j;

int i=5; int i=5; ; j=++i; j=i++;

printf("i=%d,j=%d",i,j); printf("i=%d,j=%d",i,j);

  1. Find out the square root of a number using the C program.


Algorithm to find square root of a number

Step1: Start

Step 2: Input  number as n

Step 3: Use sqrt function to find square root and store it in a

Step 4: Display a

Step 5: Stop

C Code to find square root of a number

/*C Code to find square root of a number*/



int main()


int n,a;

printf("Enter a number : ");



printf("Square root of %d is %d",n,a);

return 0;


  1. Write a program in C to calculate the volume of a cube where volume v=l3.


Algorithm to find volume of cube

Step1: Start

Step 2: Input  length as l

Step 3: Use pow function to find cube and store it in v

Step 4: Display v

Step 5: Stop

C Code to find volume of cube

/*C Code to find volume of cube*/



int main()


int l,v;

printf("Enter length : ");



printf("Volume of cube is %d ",v);

return 0;


  1. Write a program in C to display the area and perimeter of a rectangle.


Algorithm to display area and perimeter of a rectangle 

Step1: Start

Step 2: Input length as l and breadth as b

Step 3: Use a=l*b and p=2(l+b)

Step 4: Display a and p

Step 5: Stop

C Code to display area and perimeter of a rectangle 

/*C Code to display area and perimeter of a rectangle */


int main()


int l,b,a,p;

printf("Enter length and breadth : ");




printf("Area = %d \n Perimeter= %d ",a,p);

return 0;


  1. Write a program in C to calculate distance using s=ut+1/2at2.


Algorithm to calculate distance

Step1: Start

Step 2: Input initial velocity , time and acceleration as  u,t,a

Step 3: Use s=u*t+0.5*a*t*t

Step 4: Display s

Step 5: Stop

C Code to calculate distance covered

/*C Code to calculate distance covered*/



int main()


float u,t,a,s;

printf("Enter initial velocity , time and acceleration : ");



printf("Distance covered  is %f ",s);

return 0;


  1. Write a program in C to calculate the area and circumference of a circle.


Algorithm to Calculate area and circumference of a circle

Step1: Start

Step 2: Input radius as r

Step 3: Use a=3.14*r*r  and c=2*3.14*r

Step 4: Display a and c

Step 5: Stop

C Code to Calculate area and circumference of a circle

/*C Code to Calculate area and circumference of a circle*/


int main()


float r,a,c;

printf("Enter radius :");




printf("Area = %0.2f \n Circumference= %0.2f ",a,c);

return 0;


  1. Write a program in C to convert temperature in Centigrade (C) into Fahrenheit (F). HInt: F=1.8C+32


Algorithm to convert temperature from Centigrade into Fahrenheit 

Step1: Start

Step 2: Input temperature in centigrade as c

Step 3: Use f=1.8*c+32

Step 4: Display f

Step 5: Stop

C Code to convert temperature from Centigrade into Fahrenheit 

/*C Code to convert temperature from Centigrade into Fahrenheit */


int main()


float c,f;

printf("Enter temperature in centrigrade ");



printf("Temperature in Fahrenheit = %0.2f ",f);

return 0;


  1. Write a program in C to calculate the sum of two distances and the distance is measured in terms of feet and inches.


Algorithm to calculate sum of two distances and the distance is measured in terms of feet and inches

Step1: Start

Step 2: Input feet1,feet2,inch1,inch2

Step 3: Use feet3=feet1+feet2 and inch3=inch1+inch2

Step 4: newfeet=inch3/12+feet3  and newinch=inch3 % 12

Step 5: Display newfeet and newinch

Step6: Stop

C Code to calculate the sum of two distances and the distance is measured in terms of feet and inches

/*C Code to calculate the sum of two distances and the distance is measured in terms of feet and inches.



int main()


int feet1,feet2,feet3,newfeet,inch1,inch2,inch3,newinch;

printf("Enter feet1,feet2,inch1 and inch2: ");






printf("Feet=%d  Inch=%d",newfeet,newinch);

return 0;


  1. Write a program in C to enter a number of days and convert it into years, months and days.


Algorithm to enter number of days and convert it into years, months and days

Step1: Start

Step 2: Input days

Step 3: Divide days by 365 and store it as year(y)

Step 4: Remaining days(rd)  by finding remainder of days divide by 365

Step 5: For month(m) divide remaining days (rd) by 30 and take integer part.

Step 6: For days(d) divide  rd by 30 and find remainder.

Step 6: Display y , m , d 

Step 7 : Stop

C Code to enter number of days and convert it into years, months and days

/*C Code to enter number of days and convert it into years, months and days



int main()


int days,y,m,d,rd;

printf("Enter the days : ");






printf("Year=%d Month=%d Day=%d",y,m,d);

return 0;


9)complete the following program and discuss the outputs.

program 1 program 2


float x; float x;

int x1=7; int x1=7;

int x2=2; int x2=2;

x=(float)x1/x2; x=(float)(x1/x2);

printf("%f",x); printf("%f",x);


for program 1:

For first programm we will get output

3.5.Here, we have used type conversion.

It causes the x1 and x2 to be converted into float before division.

for program 2:

Whereas for second program we will get output

3.0.Here the type conversion works after dividing the value of x1 by x2.

10)complete the following program and discuss the outputs.

program 1 program 2


int j; int j;

int i=5; int i=5; ; j=++i; j=i++;

printf("i=%d,j=%d",i,j); printf("i=%d,j=%d",i,j);


For program 1:

The output is i=6,j=6.

For program 2:

The output is i=6,j=5.


Credit goes to PLK sir😄+



  1. HI This website is helpful! Thanks Sir!

  2. Thanks for giving me credit LKM sir!!!
