
q36)Wap to display those records which have price >340. Records are with fields name,price and edition.

//Wap to display those records which have price >340. Records are with fields name,price and edition.
void main()
FILE *k;                                                                    //  pointer for file declaration
char book_name[30],author_name[40];                   //identifier declaration
int book_edition;                                                         //       "             "

while((fscanf(k,"%d %s %d",&book_price,book_name,&book_edition)!=EOF))//reading data from data file
 if(book_price>340)                                                   // condition validating
printf("book name=%s ,book edition=%d and price=%d",book_name,book edition,book_price); //displaying data
fclose(k);                                                                                   //closing data file

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