->Suppose we are switching from pageone.html to pagetwo.html.
->We must save these two files inside same folder.
<html> <!--called root tag-->
<head> <!--contains meta information of page-->
<title><!--contains title of page-->
it is first page
<body><!--contents part-->
<h1>this is page one</h1>
<h2>We are talking about internal link</h2>
<a href="pagetwo.html">Goto page two</a>
<!--it is called internal link-->
<!-- we use <a href> tag-->
<h2>We are talking about external link</h2>
<a href="http://www.google.com">goto google.com</a>
<!--it is called external link-->
<html> <!--called root tag-->
<head> <!--contains meta information of page-->
<title><!--contains title of page-->
page two with image
<body><!--is container-->
<h1> this is page two</h1>
<img src="pictures\picture1.jpg" width="400px" height="400px" alt="building">
<!--it inserts an image-->
pagetwo.html contains picture. so the picture must be saved inside pictures folder.And this folder must be inside same folder as of that two html files.
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