
HTML with files which are in other folders.

If we have stored files in folders which are one(more) level up. We use .. for paths.
<html> <!--called root tag-->
<head> <!--it is used for meta tags-->
<title><!-- it is used for title of page-->
inserting image
<body background="../pictures/picture.jpg"><!--it is a container-->
We inserted picture as background.
<!--the picture is outsideside(one level up) pictures folder-->
<!--img src is used to insert image-->
<!-- it has attributes width,height and alt-->
<!-- 'alt' is used if the picture could not be loaded/displayed-->
<!--we must make sure that the path(of image) is correct-->
<!--it repeats the picture-->
<!-- to avoid it we use css.We will learn in css unit-->

two dots(..) denotes files are in one level up the folder.
<html> <!--called root tag-->
<head> <!--it is used for meta tags-->
<title><!-- it is used for title of page-->
inserting image
<body background="../pictures/picture.jpg"><!--it is a container-->
We inserted picture as background.
<!--the picture is outsideside(one level up) pictures folder-->
<!--img src is used to insert image-->
<!-- it has attributes width,height and alt-->
<!-- 'alt' is used if the picture could not be loaded/displayed-->
<!--we must make sure that the path(of image) is correct-->
<!--it repeats the picture-->
<!-- to avoid it we use css.We will learn in css unit-->


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