
WAP to convert string into lowercase using strlwr() function

using turbo c++
//WAP to convert  a string into lowercase using(strlwr()) function.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    char name[100];//declaration
    printf("enter string\n");
    //fgets(name, sizeof (name), stdin);//to input string with space
    scanf("%[^\n]s",name); //it also CAN BE USED. IT accepts string with space until it meets new line
    printf("string in lowercase=%s\n",name);//prints the name in lowercase
    return 0;

using codeblocks

//WAP to convert  a string into lowercase using(strlwr()) function.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    char name[100];//declaration
    printf("enter string\n");
    //fgets(name, sizeof (name), stdin);//to input string with space
    scanf("%[^\n]s",name); //it also CAN BE USED. IT accepts string with space until it meets new line
    printf("string in lowercase=%s\n",name);//prints the name in lowercase
    return 0;

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