
program to understand array as pointer

using codeblocks
//understanding array as pointer      //comment of program
#include <stdio.h>                     //header file
int main()
    int a[]={2,3,4,5,6};                 //array with some values
    int i;
    int *p;
    p=a;                               //assigns base address to pointer
    printf("the address of array=%d\n",p);//prints address of array
    p=&a[0];                            //assigns address of zeroth element
    printf("the address of zeroth element of array=%d\n",p);//prints address of zeroth element
    printf("all addresses are\n");
        printf("location=%d and address=%d\n",i,p+i);//it prints address of respective elements
     printf("values  are\n");
        printf("location=%d and address=%d\n",i,*(p+i));//it prints value of respective location
    return 0;

using turbo c++
//understanding array as pointer      //comment of program
#include <stdio.h>                     //header file
int main()
    int a[]={2,3,4,5,6};                 //array with some values
    int i;
    int *p;
    p=a;                               //assigns base address to pointer
    printf("the address of array=%d\n",p);//prints address of array
    p=&a[0];                            //assigns address of zeroth element
    printf("the address of zeroth element of array=%d\n",p);//prints address of zeroth element
    printf("all addresses are\n");
        printf("location=%d and address=%d\n",i,p+i);//it prints address of respective elements
     printf("values  are\n");
        printf("location=%d and address=%d\n",i,*(p+i));//it prints value of respective location
    return 0;

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